WP Total Services

Everything your WordPress needs

Do you need help with your WordPress?

Whatever your WordPress website or WooCommerce online store needs are, APG offers you the most appropriate service to solve them.

APG is your WordPress and WooCommerce expert.

Specialized Services

We have a service tailored to each need

WP Total Updater

Afraid to update your WordPress?

We take care of keeping your WordPress website or WooCommerce online store fully updated with WP Total Updater.

Safe updates!

Technical Support

Do you need technical support for WordPress or WooCommerce?/strong>

If you have any kind of need with your WordPress or WooCommerce installation you need our Technical support.

Quick and easy!

Improved performance

Do you want to improve the performance and speed of your WordPress?

With Improved performancee we help you squeeze the most out of your web server performance with your WordPress or WooCommerce.

Make it fly!

Improved security

Still don’t have your WordPress protected?

Improved security of your WordPress or WooCommerce to make it a virtually unassailable website or online store.

Secure your WordPress!

SEO Optimization

Need to improve your natural SEO?

SEO Optimization improves the SEO performance of your WordPress or WooCommerce and squeeze the most of its capabilities.

Position yourself naturally!

All in one

Improve your WordPress performance, security and SEO

All in one brings together three essential APG services for your website.

Save money by contracting this service!

Virus cleaning

Do you have virus issues in your WordPress?

Virus cleaning removes viruses from your website or online store at both file and database level.

Disinfect and secure it!

Recover the administration

Have you lost access to your WordPress?

APG helps you to recover the normality of your WordPress administration panel.

Take back control!

Web development specialists

Plugins for WordPress or WooCommerce

Do you need the development of a custom WordPress or WooCommerce plugin?

We have a specialized service in the development and customization of plugins for WordPress or WooCommerce.

Imagine it and we’ll make it happen!

Customized web programming

Do you need custom code development on WordPress?

At APG we are great specialists in exploiting the full capabilities of WordPress to create websites tailored to your needs.

Over 25 years of experience behind us!

E-commerce and virtual stores

Do you want to open a window to the world in your business?

At APG we are great specialists in WooCommerce, the most used e-commerce tool on the Internet, with more than 40% of the world market.

Maximize your business!


Do you need a new website or to improve your current one?

At APG we are great specialists in exploiting the full capabilities of WordPress. The reason for its success is that it perfectly combines security, robustness, simplicity, usability and the best performance in a single tool.

We want to be your webmaster!

Web design

Do you need to create the perfect showcase for your company on the Internet?

APG‘s graphic design team will help you create the perfect showcase for your company on the Internet. Modernize your current web design and attract more customers to your corporate website or online store.

We improve your company’s image!

Ask us for information about our services